In 2015 artist Melanie Manchot discussed the inspiration behind her ambitious film installation, Twelve, with Dr Pratap Rugani, documentary filmmaker and then Reader in Documentary Film at University of the Arts London. The talk explores Manchot’s influences including contemporary filmmakers and investigates a number of challenges arising from the relation between ethics and aesthetics in her work. The discussion also looks at the commissioning process behind Twelve.
Resource: Bookbed autodidacts reading collection
To accompany the exhibition Bookbed, artist Ruth Beale has complied a small collection of books by or about autodidacts and self-education, and books selected to aid the autodidact.
Case Study: Harold Offeh, Platform Press House
Case study of our Youth Platform’s exhibition Platform Press House in collaboration with artist Harold Offeh.
Publication: Peckham Square Studio, limited edition newspaper
A limited edition newspaper documenting Eileen Perrier’s 2014 commission, Peckham Square Studio.