Azarra Amoy


Azarra Amoy is a producer of public art installations in the form of murals. Her practice can be defined in three overlapping strands: artist, designer and creative strategist.

This crossover allows Amoy to bring her design-led ideas, concepts and solutions to a range of scenarios. These include bringing art to local communities in public spaces and helping brands cultivate stories for their audiences. Her use of personal stories, local histories and the built environmental landscape informs the design of her artwork and her striking visual narrative draws references from culture, community, hope and power.

Amoy is a graduate from University of the Arts London. She has received commissions from Adidas x Size and Big Creative Education, with work exhibited at the V&A as part of the gal-dem takeover and Black Blossoms Highlighting Black Women exhibition.

Artist Azarra Amoy

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The People Speak

The People Speak

The People Speak is an art collective that primarily takes its practice into the public domain of everyday civic space.

Eva-Grace Bor

Eva-Grace Bor

Eva-Grace Bor (Eva Bor) is a writer and filmmaker based in London.  She has been published by Media Diversified and gal-dem and her short documentary Zero Zero screened at festivals in the UK and USA, including London Short Film Festival, Aesthetica, Hot Springs and Blackstar.

Yvonne E. Maxwell

Yvonne E. Maxwell is a Saint Lucian-Nigerian self-taught documentary photographer, writer and columnist whose work covers stories on migration, social justice, culture and identity of the Black communities within London and the wider UK. Yvonne also extends her focus to stories surrounding ancestral ties, cultures, familial relationships, health, sexuality and human rights of people from […]

Meet the team

Our dynamic team includes producers, curators, artists and entrepreneurs from our local community

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