Peckham Platform x Azarra Amoy

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Painted shutters in Peckham by Azarra Amoy Painted shutters in Peckham by Azarra Amoy

Peckham Platform x Azarra Amoy


Azarra Amoy’s vivid kaleidoscopic graphic collage is situated across the shop front shutters of 91-93 Peckham High Street. With two digital tessellations on roller shutters, each painting holds vibrant colours and shapes, an array of four circles in the centre and a repeated face motif. Each shutter has a different portrait with a deep, royal blue backdrop.


This exhibition has now finished.

91-93 Peckham High Street

23 August 2021

Detail of Amoy’s work on Peckham High Street

The artwork combines ideas and photographic documentation from two of our programmes to create a new conversation. Yuh Figet Yuhself was an intergenerational placemaking project, co-led by young people and elders from the local area with artist Beverley Bennett, and Digital Tapestry was a programme led by our Youth Platform with artist Meera Shakti Osborne and producer A.G. exploring self-care through sound and digital art.

Amoy’s commission is part of Tilting the Mirror, an intergenerational cross-cultural project run by Peckham Platform, that encourages us to be open to new ways of seeing each other.

This project was made possible by generous support from Southwark’s Cleaner Greener Safer Fund.

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image of the general public walking past Peckham Peace Wall

Peckham Peace Wall

8 August – 2 September 2012

This permanent public artwork celebrates thousands of hopeful messages of peace written by the local community on post-it notes and pasted up onto a wall on Rye Lane following the London riots of 2011.


7 May – 23 July 2013

Artist Sarah Cole and the Young Women’s Group invite you into a gallery gone wild with freshly laid grass, frolicking onesies and the sounds of faraway promise.

Daddy, I want to be a Black Artist

24 September – 24 November 2013

Kimathi Donkor explores themes of race, exclusion and the unknown in contemporary art with Black teenagers living in south east London.


Meet the socially engaged artists working with our communities in Peckham

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