Artist Talk: David Cotterrell, Slipstream


Artist David Cotterrell discusses Slipstream, his 2011 Peckham Platform commissioned artwork with Dr David Dibosa, then Course Director, MA Art Theory, Chelsea College of Art and Design. This talk explores how the artist addressed themes of identity and how Slipstream negotiated parallel narratives of local residents.

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Case Study: Harold Offeh, Platform Press House

Case study of our Youth Platform’s exhibition Platform Press House in collaboration with artist Harold Offeh.

image captured from instagram post showing a video of using watercolours

Creative Challenge: Patterns and Textures with Watercolours

Join Youth Platform Coordinator Farrah in creating patterns and textures with watercolours.

Artist Talk: Sarah Cole, TRIBE

Sarah Cole in conversation with Dean Kenning, Louise Doherty, Danny McNally and Emily Druiff, Peckham Platform.


Meet the socially engaged artists working with our communities in Peckham

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