Sound: Meera Shakti Osborne and A.G.: Digital Sound Tapestry


This digital tapestry is a collaborative work from artist Meera Shakti Osborne and producer A.G. made after working with a group of young people on the 2021 Digital Tapestry project. Over the course of three months, participants explored themes such as activism, healing and self-expression via workshops held on zoom.

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Two people adding black letters to a lighbox that reads Brighter Peckham outside Peckham library

Film: Futurama by Harold Offeh

A film by Harold Offeh, documenting his 2010 Peckham Platform commission, Futurama, with youth group Leaders of Tomorrow and design team Glass Hill.

Film: Peckham Promenade by Janette Parris

Film created by Janette Parris with thanks to students and tutors at Harris Academy Peckham.

Film: 343 Perspectives by Nikolaj Bendix Skyum Larsen

Larsen’s film 343 Perspectives quietly reflects on themes of isolation and community in a residential area in South London served only by one form of transport – the 343 bus.


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