Creative Challenge: Patterns and Textures with Watercolours


Join Youth Platform Coordinator Farrah in creating patterns and textures with watercolours.

You will need
-Cups of water
-Small fabric pieces
-Oil (silicone, baby oil or sunflower)
-Gloves, tissue and paintbrushes

More Resources


Artist Talk: Kathrin Böhm, Money Making Machines and Other Useful Contraptions

Kathrin Böhm explores issues of distribution of wealth, community economies, local currencies and the economics of mental health.

Artist Talk: Nikolaj Bendix Skyum Larsen, 343 Perspectives

Artist Nikolaj Larsen discusses his 2012 work 343 Perspectives.

Case study: Southwark Education Research Project testimonials

Barbara Steveni introduces the methodology behind the radical Southwark Education Research Project (1989-95).


Meet the socially engaged artists working with our communities in Peckham

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