Podcast: Futurama, urban design and utopian thinking


Artist Harold Offeh and Paul Goodwin (then Tate) discuss issues of urban design and future thinking in reference to Futurama, Offeh’s 2010 commission for Peckham Platform.

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Film: 343 Perspectives by Nikolaj Bendix Skyum Larsen

Larsen’s film 343 Perspectives quietly reflects on themes of isolation and community in a residential area in South London served only by one form of transport – the 343 bus.

Artist Talk: Melanie Manchot, Twelve

In 2015 artist Melanie Manchot discussed the inspiration behind her ambitious film installation, Twelve, with Dr Pratap Rugani, documentary filmmaker and then Reader in Documentary Film at University of the Arts London.

Case study: Southwark Education Research Project testimonials

Barbara Steveni introduces the methodology behind the radical Southwark Education Research Project (1989-95).


Meet the socially engaged artists working with our communities in Peckham

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