Case study: Southwark Education Research Project testimonials


Barbara Steveni introduces the methodology behind the radical Southwark Education Research Project (1989-95). Find out why the concept of the ‘open brief’ and its role in artist placement in schools was so critical. This video includes oral history testimonies from SERP participants including Rita Keegan, Carlyle Reedy, John McTernan, Lloyd Trott and Adrian Chappell.

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Film: South London Black Music Archive by Barby Asante

This interview with artist Barby Asante looks at her inspiration for the South London Black Music Archive and documents the exhibition.

Film: SlipStream by David Cotterrell

This video by Gordon Beswick documents the launch event and artist talk for David Cotterrell’s 2011 commission SlipStream.

Resource: Autodidacts reading collection

Resource: Bookbed autodidacts reading collection

To accompany the exhibition Bookbed, artist Ruth Beale has complied a small collection of books by or about autodidacts and self-education, and books selected to aid the autodidact.


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