Film: SlipStream by David Cotterrell


This film by Gordon Beswick documents artist David Cotterrell discussing SlipStream with Dr David Dibosa, exploring how the artist has addressed the theme of identity and how SlipStream negotiated the parallel narratives of local residents. The launch of Cotterrell’s 2011 commission is also captured.

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Case Study: Sarah Cole, TRIBE

Case study of Sarah Cole’s 2013 exhibition TRIBE.

Sound: Meera Shakti Osborne and A.G.: Digital Sound Tapestry

This digital tapestry is a collaborative work from artist Meera Shakti Osborne and producer A.G. made after working with a group of young people on the 2021 Digital Tapestry project.

Resource: Twelve, drug and alcohol misuse

These resources offer a range of reference materials around drug and alcohol misuse, focusing on movies, music, art and books.


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