Yes Make


Yes Make specialise in public spaces and community projects in London and beyond. 

Creating community embedded projects, Yes Make use locally sourced materials and reused fallen trees and milling processing for green building techniques,. Think sculptures, benches, public poetry, archways, planters, notice boards, murals, markets, street art and much more. 

Yes Make believe in community empowerment through the construction of public spaces which inspire and are inspired by nature. Their process of ‘making’ in community spaces fosters engagement from a place of curiosity rather than giving unsolicited attention.

Aiming to mitigate the Climate Emergency, both locally and globally, they encourage outdoor education and facilitate low carbon transport and renewable energy whilst promoting creativity and play for people of all ages. Yes Make’s construction techniques work to lower reliance on carbon-intense materials, encourage low-carbon alternatives and recycle materials wherever possible. These techniques culminate in what is known as a Circular Economy, with the ambition of a Zero Waste society where products are designed for a lifetime as opposed to being disposable.

More Artists


image of Resolve Collective, three pioneering creatives, Akil Scafe-Smith, Seth Amani Scafe-Smith and Melissa Haniff

Resolve Collective

Resolve is an interdisciplinary design collective of three creatives: Akil Scafe-Smith, Seth Amani Scafe-Smith and Melissa Haniff.

Mhairi Macaulay

Mhairi Macaulay’s work is characterised by a fascination with ‘The Social’: the way individuals interact with each other. Without a fixed aesthetic, Macaulay plays with the preconceptions we have about different communities, from grassroots groups to large corporations.

Black and white image of artist Barbara Majek.

Barbara Majek

Majek is a multi-disciplinary artist and researcher who experiments with the complexities of her bicultural identity.

Meet the team

Our dynamic team includes producers, curators, artists and entrepreneurs from our local community

Meet the Team