

Multi-disciplinary artist Chisara (Agor) is a musician, actor and theatre maker based in Peckham and Madrid.

The singer songwriter is self-taught at the guitar and ukulele. Their influences range from jazz to folk, soul and indie pop. Their work is eclectic, addressing contemporary themes and conflicts whilst commenting on the notion of the human spirit and vulnerability.

In 2021, Chisara performed a set as part of The Message We Bring, a weekend of creative interventions at The Palms, Peckham.

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Yes Make

Yes Make specialise in public spaces and community projects in London and beyond.

Yvonne E. Maxwell

Yvonne E. Maxwell is a Saint Lucian-Nigerian self-taught documentary photographer, writer and columnist whose work covers stories on migration, social justice, culture and identity of the Black communities within London and the wider UK. Yvonne also extends her focus to stories surrounding ancestral ties, cultures, familial relationships, health, sexuality and human rights of people from […]

Artist Francoise Dupre

Françoise Dupré and Rebecca Snow

Françoise Dupré is a London-based French-born artist who creates large textile and sculpture installations that celebrate the everyday and cultures.

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Our dynamic team includes producers, curators, artists and entrepreneurs from our local community

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