Mhairi Macaulay


Mhairi Macaulay’s work is characterised by a fascination with ‘The Social’: the way individuals interact with each other. Without a fixed aesthetic, Macaulay plays with the preconceptions we have about different communities, from grassroots groups to large corporations. Elements that tie the work together are a sense of shared ownership and the practice of ritual.

In 2012, Peckham Platform (then Peckham Space), helped Macaulay, at the time a student at Camberwell College of Art, to start a collaborative artwork based on the Peckham Peace Wall. Macaulay’s Peckham Peace Blanket is a patchwork blanket made by the artist and visitors to the Peckham Space Gallery throughout August 2012. It was then exhibited at Peckham Library and the following year was part of the V&A Lates: Peckham Takeover event in July 2013.

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Portrait of artist Michael McMillan

Michael McMillan

Born in the UK of Caribbean migrant parents, artist and writer Michael McMillan uses mixed media as part of a creative collaborative process that brings in other artists and local people for performances and exhibitions.

Neal White

Neal White is a UK artist based in Brixton, London. His art practice engages with the ongoing impact that science and technology have in shaping our relationships to one another and to the environments we live in.

Enam Gbewonyo

Enam Gbewonyo is a British Ghanaian textile and performance artist based in London. She is founder of the Black British Female Artist Collective, a platform that supports emerging Black women artists’ careers and advocates inclusivity.

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Our dynamic team includes producers, curators, artists and entrepreneurs from our local community

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