Rachael House


Rachael House is an artist who makes events and objects. She is also co-director of the artist-run space Space Station Sixty-Five.

Rachael’s Pet-Tastic art events, fancy dress picnics for dogs, started in Peckham and have since taken place in Norway, Lewisham, The De La Warr Pavilion in Bexhill and most recently in Blackpool, where the documentation of Blackpool Pet-Tastic is in Grundy Art Gallery’s permanent collection.

Concerns in Rachael’s work include the use of public space, extending an invitation to participate and collective joy.

In 2010, Peckham Platform (then Peckham Space) commissioned House who produced Peckham Peacocks, London’s first ever mobility scooter meet. Featuring special guests the Red Wheelies, mobility scooter formation display team, House welcomed mobility scooter riders, foot powered micro scooter riders, children’s scooter riders and pedestrians.

Her work was also part of the 2016 Peckham Platform Retrospective exhibition, a timeline of all 20 artists commissions realised by Peckham Platform between 2010 – 2016.

Artist Rachael House with pink hair and pink stripy top

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Black and white image of artist Barbara Majek.

Barbara Majek

Majek is a multi-disciplinary artist and researcher who experiments with the complexities of her bicultural identity.

Artist Ana Laura Lopez wearing a blue jumper and leaning on a brick wall

Ana Laura López de la Torre

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Artist Kimathi Donkor

Kimathi Donkor

Kimathi Donkor is a British artist living and working in London. His work re-imagines mythic, legendary and domestic encounters across Africa and its global Diasporas.

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