Sarah Cole


Sarah Cole is an artist who works across media, in different contexts. Her collaborative approach involves orchestrating conversations as live research in to lived experience.

She explores the territories of pedagogy, performance and place with a particular interest in models of care. 

She often works for extended periods of time with groups and individuals to generate work that may take the form of live events, installations, recordings, photographs and publications.

In 2013 Cole was commissioned by Peckham Platform (then Peckham Space) to work with the Young Women’s Group from Creative Arts & Music, Southwark Youth Service. The resulting exhibition, TRIBE, explored the young women’s ideas of place, safety, language and disguise.

This work was also part of the 2016 Peckham Platform Retrospective exhibition, a timeline of all 20 artists commissions realised by Peckham Platform between 2010 – 2016.

Artist Sarah Cole pouring talc on herself

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Our dynamic team includes producers, curators, artists and entrepreneurs from our local community

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